The beautiful, traditional styling of Signature Gold windows goes hand in hand with cutting edge technology to deliver energy-efficient performance. Here are just a few of the Signature Gold features that work to insulate you and your home from the elements:
Endurex Reinforcement
This composite non-metallic material, used in the meeting rails, adds strength and limits heat loss due to conduction and convection.
Smart-ER High Performance Insulating Foam
Smart-ER foam offers enhanced thermal properties and prevents voids in the fill for full thermal benefit in every location.
Endur Insulated GlassTM
Signature Gold windows utilize Endur Insulated Glass™ combined with MicroShield antimicrobial treated weatherstripping to maintain a weather-tight fit, keep mold and mildew at bay and help to maintain an allergy-free environment. Endur IG Spacer™ insulates the glass with a warm edge around the perimeter, where the glass is normally coldest and prone to condensation. Endur IG Spacer™ is built on the proven technologies that help achieve the industry’s lowest failure rate!
Glass Options
A variety of dual-pane and triple-pane glass packages are available for the Signature Gold family of windows … you’ll find the choice that’s just right for your climate!
Structurally Sound
Signature Gold PG/DP 50 windows are tested to standards set forth by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) for air infiltration, water penetration, thermal and structural performance.
Energy Star
Signature Gold windows and Prima Vista patio doors are made by Seaway Manufacturing, an ENERGY STAR partner for more than a decade, and offer a selection of energy-efficient options for your climate zone and unique location.